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Can You Whiten Your Teeth with Dental Implants?

April 25, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — fourtowndentalcare @ 5:59 pm
Woman with bright, radiant smile

A bright white smile is attractive, but even more than that, it can convey the idea that you are confident, youthful, healthy, and energetic. If you would like to whiten your teeth, your dentist can explain your treatment options. But what if you have restorations in your mouth, such as dental implants? Is it still possible to achieve a brighter smile? This blog post discusses some important facts that you should keep in mind.


Why Does My Dental Implant Feel So Sensitive?

March 28, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — fourtowndentalcare @ 6:26 pm
Illustration showing infected tissue around a dental implant

Sensitivity in natural teeth is a common problem. It happens when outside stimuli irritate the teeth’s inner layers, causing the teeth’s nerves to send pain signals to the brain. Dental implants have no nerves, so it may come as a surprise if one of yours ever starts to feel sensitive. What can cause sensitivity in dental implants, and what should you do to address this problem? This blog post explains some important information.


Loose Dental Implant? Here’s What to Do

February 5, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — fourtowndentalcare @ 3:53 pm
X-ray showing dental implants

Dental implants are often recommended as the best form of tooth replacement, and for good reason. They are strong, sturdy, long-lasting, and overwhelmingly successful. In fact, the dental implant procedure is successful in more than 95% of cases. However, it must be admitted that this treatment does not come with any guarantees. Rarely, a patient might find that their dental implant feels loose. What can cause a loose dental implant, and what should you do if you ever suspect there is a problem with one of your prosthetic teeth? This blog post explains what you should know.


How to Prepare for Dental Implant Surgery

January 5, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — fourtowndentalcare @ 5:16 pm
Dentist and patient talking about treatment plan

Will you soon receive dental implants to replace your lost teeth? You have much to look forward to! In the meantime, though, you might be curious about the treatment process in front of you. Many patients are particularly nervous about the dental implant surgery. How can you prepare for your procedure so you have the smoothest, easiest experience possible? Here are some practical tips:


Is Dental Insurance Worth the Money?

September 11, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — fourtowndentalcare @ 3:22 pm
Smiling, happy dental patient in treatment chair

It seems like prices on everything have skyrocketed in the past couple of years. You might be looking to cut back on your expenses by cancelling unnecessary subscriptions and services. Should you get rid of your dental insurance, or is it worth the money? The truth is that keeping your insurance is probably the better choice for your family’s finances. Why is that the case? This blog post explains a few reasons.


Dental Insurance vs. Dental Discount Plans — Which Should You Choose?

Filed under: Uncategorized — fourtowndentalcare @ 2:51 pm
Patient and dentist having a friendly conversation

Paying for dental care should not be stressful. That is why many practices accept insurance. Quite a few even have their own in-house discount plan. But since you cannot use those two provisions at the same time, you might wonder which is better. This blog post explains some pros and cons of dental insurance and dental discount plans.


Replace Your Cigarette Breaks with These Wholesome Activities

August 14, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — fourtowndentalcare @ 5:51 pm
Woman putting piece of gum in her mouth

If you are trying to quit smoking, you deserve to be congratulated for your efforts. Your overall wellness and oral health will benefit! Unfortunately, you will likely experience cravings for quite some time after you smoke your last cigarette. The urge to smoke might be particularly strong at times when you were used to lighting up, such as during work breaks. How can you replace your cigarette breaks with wholesome activities? Here are some helpful tips:


Can Apple Cider Vinegar Harm Your Teeth?

Filed under: Uncategorized — fourtowndentalcare @ 5:22 pm
Apple cider vinegar next to apples

For generations, apple cider vinegar has been touted as a remedy for all sorts of things. For example, people have used it to aid their weight loss efforts, improve their complexion, manage their blood sugar, and even get rid of dandruff. But how might it affect your oral health? Can apple cider vinegar harm your teeth? This blog post explains what you should know.


5 Tips for Wearing Braces to Work

July 9, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — fourtowndentalcare @ 4:25 pm
Young man in suit, wearing braces

Every year, countless thousands of adults make a commitment to their oral health and decide to get their teeth straightened. If you will soon be among them, you can look forward to many benefits, both for your oral wellness and your appearance. In the meantime, though, it is understandable if you are nervous about how your orthodontic treatment will affect your routine, especially if you have a busy work schedule. This blog post aims to help. Here are some practical tips for wearing braces to work:


Soak Up the Sun for a Healthier Smile!

June 19, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — fourtowndentalcare @ 2:34 pm
Woman on beach, soaking up the sun

The sun often gets villainized. The media issues frequent reminders about how important it is to wear sunscreen and take other measures to prevent burns and skin cancer. All of that information is valid. However, while it is true that you should avoid overexposing yourself to the sun’s radiation, there is another side to the story. This blog post explains how you can soak up the sun for a healthier smile.

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