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4 Tips to Extend the Lifespan of Your Veneers

February 24, 2021

Filed under: Uncategorized — fourtowndentalcare @ 5:48 pm
Woman brushing teeth to extend lifespan of veneers in Enfield

Veneers are a remarkable cosmetic dental treatment. They have the power to completely change the look of your teeth, ridding your smile of a range of aesthetic flaws. Plus, they are incredibly durable and have the potential to last for a decade or longer if they receive proper care. In this blog post, we will discuss some practical tips that you can use to extend the lifespan of veneers in Enfield.


Have Questions About Dental Sealants? Here Are Some Answers

December 9, 2020

Filed under: Uncategorized — fourtowndentalcare @ 5:10 pm
Girl high-fiving dentist after receiving dental sealants in Enfield

Most dentists advocate the use of dental sealants in Enfield for children who are starting to get their permanent teeth. This simple preventive treatment can be a powerful protection against tooth decay and help young ones enjoy strong, healthy smiles for many years. Before you invest in sealants for your child, however, you might have questions about them. In this blog post, we will address some points that many parents are curious about.


I Lost My Invisalign Aligner — What Now?

November 22, 2020

Filed under: Uncategorized — fourtowndentalcare @ 11:41 pm
Man searching under sofa for lost Invisalign aligner

Everyone is familiar with the sense of dread that sinks in when an important item gets lost. That item might be your keys, a favorite piece of jewelry, or one of your aligners for Invisalign in Enfield. Your aligners are a key part of your treatment, and you may begin to wonder if losing one of them could derail your smile’s progress. Do not worry. There are some practical steps you can take to get your treatment back on track as soon as possible.


Cold and Flu Season Tips for Invisalign Patients

November 11, 2020

Filed under: Uncategorized — fourtowndentalcare @ 11:39 pm
Man washing hands before handling Invisalign in Enfield

We have been dealing with a pandemic for most of this year, and now the arrival of the normal cold and flu season further heightens the risk of illness. It is important that everyone takes diligent measures to protect their overall health, as well as the health of others, during these uncertain times. Individuals who are using Invisalign in Enfield should be extra cautious. Here are some tips to help Invisalign patients protect their oral and overall health this fall and winter.


5 Ways to Maximize Your 2020 Dental Insurance Benefits

October 20, 2020

Filed under: Uncategorized — fourtowndentalcare @ 12:43 am
Document with information to maximize dental insurance benefits

Many people view their dental insurance as a backup plan that will help them out if they ever face a dental emergency. However, since you pay for your policy every month, it makes more financial sense to think about how you can truly maximize your dental insurance benefits. In this article, a dentist in Enfield will discuss five useful and simple tips to help you do just that.


Why the End of the Year Is the Perfect Time to Start Invisalign

October 5, 2020

Filed under: Uncategorized — fourtowndentalcare @ 12:41 am
Aligners for Invisalign in Enfield in heart shape

Do you suffer from a degree of dental misalignment? Crooked teeth are not only unattractive, but they may also present a threat to your oral health. Fortunately, modern dentistry offers several ways to straighten teeth, one of which is Invisalign in Enfield. This innovative treatment is perfect for many adults and mature teens who want to achieve a more attractive smile without putting up with the hassles of traditional orthodontics. In this article, we will discuss why now is the perfect time to embark on your Invisalign journey.


I Have Gum Disease — Am I Eligible for Cosmetic Dentistry?

September 7, 2020

Filed under: Uncategorized — fourtowndentalcare @ 7:31 pm
Patient and dental team member discussing gum disease therapy

Would you like to improve the way your teeth look? Millions of people are interested in transforming their smile via cosmetic dentistry. However, many of those individuals must take an important preliminary step before they can embark on their cosmetic journey: gum disease therapy in Enfield. In this article, we will discuss what gum disease is, how it can affect your smile’s aesthetics, and why treating it is so vital.


Save Money on a Straighter Smile with These Orthodontic Deals

August 25, 2020

Filed under: Uncategorized — fourtowndentalcare @ 3:52 pm

Braces for Less

woman enjoying straight teeth after using Invisalign promotion

It seems that budgets are tighter than ever these days. We are here to help by making it more affordable to get the dental care you require. Have you thought about getting braces in the past but did not quite make the commitment? Now, with our braces promotion, if you get started with braces by November 13, we will make your first payment* and even waive the down payment altogether.


How Your Dental Team Prepares to See You During COVID-19

June 5, 2020

Filed under: Uncategorized — fourtowndentalcare @ 2:24 am
dental team member disinfecting practice door for patient safety

Prior to the outbreak of COVID-19, your dental team had a relatively simple procedure for preparing to see you. They would thoroughly wash their hands, don fresh personal protective equipment (PPE), and ensure they were using sterile instruments. Now, however, they have adopted a new dental safety protocol in Enfield. Recently instituted procedures are designed to protect both patients and dental staff members during this pandemic season. In this article, you will learn a few specifics of how your dental team prepares for your appointments with your safety and health in mind.


Guidance on Dental Hygiene Through the Quarantine

March 20, 2020

Filed under: Uncategorized — fourtowndentalcare @ 7:37 pm
tools useful for dental hygiene during the quarantine

Covid-19 has changed the way most people approach life. It has even impacted the world of dentistry. The American Dental Association recommends that dentists suspend normal operations and only provide emergency care at this time. Has your necessary dental treatment been postponed due to concerns about Covid-19? Until you can visit your dentist, use the below tips to help you keep up with your dental hygiene through the quarantine. You can thus prevent new oral health problems and prevent current ones from rapidly worsening.

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